Crossing the Data Delta

In Big Data, Data Governance, Data Management, Data Quality, Data Warehouse, Information Strategy, IT Strategy & Management, Master Data Management by IRM UKLeave a Comment

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If you are a large enterprise about to invest in Big Data, BI, Data Governance or MDM, leverage best practice by having your key staff read this book.  Of all the challenges facing organisations, very few would claim to suffer from a lack of data.  One of the greatest challenges is to bridge the gap between the data an organisation has and the information its business people and stakeholders need. This is no small undertaking, as it comes down to instilling an appreciation, within the organisation’s culture, for the importance of data as an asset in its own right.  This book will show you how to “Turn the Data you have into the Information you need”

Many organisations, still, do not exhibit this cultural posture, and to change this requires the right people and the power to transform business processes, procedures and attitudes. The organisations who are getting this right and reaping the rewards – those that treat data as an asset – recognise the need for robust sponsorship of effective data management at the executive level.

People often question who should lead this, either as a formalised role or handled in a more “federated” way. One view is that the direction should come from a new executive position – a Chief Data Officer or CDO.

It is important to have a clear sense of the kind of questions that need addressing. The following is not intended to be a comprehensive list, but rather to provide a feel for the size and shape of a ‘CDO’:


The organisations that really ‘dig data’, are those that have been through a process of introspection; answering most, if not all, of the questions above (and perhaps more). Those who truly treat data as an asset are the people who can frame a discussion in terms of these questions. In most cases, those questions are not answered by technology (at least, not completely).

The companies we speak to are looking to answer these questions and describe this as a gap between the data they have and the information their business people and stakeholders need. The fault line between the data they have and the information they need has expanded and is now, in many organisations, a yawning chasm.

We call that gap the Data Delta™ – and our upcoming book – Crossing the Data Delta – will show you how to successfully bridge that gap.

It applies whether your data is structured or unstructured; it applies to you whatever type of organisation you work for. Crossing the Data Delta presents an agile approach to driving digital value in your organisation across people, process and technology. It provides a clarion call to treat data as an asset.

Entity Group, as a sponsor of the MDM and Data Governance Summit for Europe is offering all IRM Connects newsletter readers a pre-launch sample chapter of “Crossing the Data Delta”, explaining what the Data Delta is and the key data principles you must follow, in order to bridge the gap.  Click here to access the download page

If what you read resonates with you and sheds light on your data management challenges, then please visit our website to register for a FREE copy of the entire book at this address  (Free copies available until November 3rd)

What others are saying:

If I were a large enterprise about to invest in Big Data, BI, Data Governance or MDM, I’d call “time out” until my key staff had read this book. It’s a thought provoking game-changer that can help structure the necessary conversation about “changing the traditional data culture in an organization”.

Aaron Zornes, Chief Research Officer & Founder, The MDM Institute & Conference Chairman, The MDM & Data Governance Summit series (London, Madrid, New York, San Francisco, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto)

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