This talk starts with the idea of the agile world. That is, the world we live in is constantly evolving and changing, presenting both problems and opportunities. The agile project can respond to both problems and opportunities by finding the value proposition that takes advantage of the opportunity, or solves the right problem, and delivers real benefit to the owning organisation.
In this talk, James Robertson explores and demonstrates how to use safe-to-fail probes to find the right value proposition, and from there develop the business stories that will deliver the value.
Stories are crucial to correct development, and the talk further explores how the correct stories are derived from the business events, and then sliced to fit the iterations. The stories are assembled onto a story map so that the stakeholders can see and understand their product as it is delivered.
James Robertson is a consultant, teacher, author and practitioner. He has worked on almost every type of information system. His experience has led him to write numerous seminars and papers that are well respected as sources of new software development ideas. His areas of concern are the contribution that good requirements make to successful projects. He is also a leading proponent of the principle of introducing creativity into the requirements process. Before becoming a systems engineer, James trained as an architect and his experience in that profession provides inspiration for his work on innovation and creativity. He is co-author of Mastering the Requirements Process, first and second editions (Addison-Wesley), which introduced the Volere requirements techniques. He also co-authored Requirements-Led Project Management: Discovering David’s Slingshot. This book addresses the question of how project managers can take advantage of requirements to plan and steer their projects. His latest book, co-authored with his fellow principals of the Atlantic Systems Guild, is Adrenaline Junkies & Template Zombies – Understanding Patterns of Project Behavior. IRM UK runs the following Atlantic Systems Guild Seminars with James Archer both as public courses and in-house courses:
Mastering the Requirements Process
Getting Requirements Right
Mastering Business Analysis
The Pragmatic, Integrated Approach to Business Needs and Solutions